Top 10k strings from Traveller, The (1984)(Double Play Adventures).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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1 zp=!zpO(zpO3zpS:zpsAzp 1 ye<!ye=*yeJ1yeO7yeO@yeSIyf)Oyf+byf,hyf-nyf/tyf/{yf= 1 xd<#xd=,xdJ3xdO9xdOIxdORxdS[xdSixe 1 pwd vwd!|wd) 1 logo 1 d;e?eReqexe}e 1 d'd.d5d>dJdVd]dddkdrd~d 1 Traveler z 1 T/T 1 T 4 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 PRESS 'S' FOR STORY 1 PRESS 'L' TO LOAD ADVENTURE 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGE 1 GGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1 FFFFEEEEEEE 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 ;w[3Fw\3Rwd 1 ;"STOP TAPE PRESS ANY KEY": 1 ;"REWIND TO VERIFY": 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY-START TAPE": 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY": 1 "You are the one who is known as the Traveller. For many years you have travelled through time and space seeking adventure and just making a damned nuisance ofyourself... well your time has arrived at last and you find yourself up the creek without a micro power circuit. " 1 "Traveler" 1 "The circuit holds out just long enough to get you to the planet Zerros before it disintegrates into dust. " 1 "Now you are on Zeros, not the sort of place to choose for a holiday. The planet is full of deadly creatures and thieving mutants. 1 "It is advisable for you to take what you think you may need fromyour ship before venturing out- -side, be warned not everything is of use you keep an untidy ship. You carry no weapons on board but you will need a weapon if you are to get out of this aliveso that will be your first priority. good luck." 1 "Being a mega-intellectual with an I,Q of 356 (approx) you manage to get the back off the television and within a short space of time construct with theworkings of the primitive mach- -ine a temporary power circuit. " 1 "A race of robot creatures known as the Zerrans managed to steal such a circuit from your ship for use in their city on Zerros.This left you drifting in space with just enough power for the life support, lights, and a neatlittle portable television you got from earth in the 1990's. " 1 " PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE":